What happens when you turn 18 in developmental services . . .
Some important insights into developmental services and supports in Ontario . . .
We created this website primarily as a resource for people with developmental disabilities and for their caregivers who are living in Haldimand and Norfolk counties. Yet, we welcome all visitors who are curious about how those people are affected by a transition in the provision of services and supports when the supported person reaches 18 years of age.
Please visit other pages of this website to get a fuller understanding. Here, you will find some basic information (and links to other sites) regarding developmental disabilities, services and supports for the province of Ontario, for our region and for our counties.
Words or abbreviations in pink are links to web pages of particular interest. Descriptions here are brief and we recommend that you visit the primary site to access their original information.
CAS – Children’s Aid Society of Haldimand Norfolk
[CAS supports children, youth and families so they thrive in safe environments enabling them to reach their full potential.]
CCAC – Community Care Access Centre (HNNB)
[CCACs provide care for children, seniors and those at the end of life in homes, schools and communities]
CLA – Community Living Access – Haldimand-Norfolk
[CLA supports and promotes choice for adults with disabilities.]
DSO – Developmental Services Ontario, Hamilton-Niagara Region
[DSO helps adults with developmental disabilities connect to services and supports in their communities.]
EDU – Ministry of Education
[EDU provides services and programs described as "special education" for students who have "exceptionalities."]
MCYS – Ministry of Children and Youth Services
[MCYS funds many services and supports to children and youth with developmental disabilities and their families.]
MCSS – Ministry of Community and Social Services
[MCSS financially assists with services and programs that support adults with a developmental disability and their families.]
REACH – Haldimand-Norfolk Resource, Education And Counselling Help
[REACH is a multi-service agency, providing a wide variety children's services including developmental services]
Social Inclusion Act – Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act. [This links to an overview of the 2008 Act. Service Ontario provides a PDF download of the entire Act.]
Developmental Disability (as defined by the DSO) – A developmental disability is present at birth or develops before 18 years of age, affects a person's ability to learn, is permanent, can be mild or severe.
(as defined in The Child and Family Services Act) – A developmental disability is "A condition of mental impairment, present or occurring during a person's formative years that is associated with limitations in adaptive behaviour."